Rico's Foundation
2024 Grants
Mrs. Marcia Francis Grant
Exceptional Student
Mrs. Marcia Francis Grant Recipient
Elijah Celestine
Corrinne Rasmussen Grant
Exceptional Student
Corrinne Rasmussen Grant Recipient
Nye Isidore
Felix Family Grant
Exceptional Student Grant
Felix Family Grant Recipient
Samuel Foster
Faircloth Family Grant
Student Athlete Grant
Best Family Grant
Student Athlete
Best Family Grant Recipient
Isabella Emilienne
Knutson Family Grant
Unusual Circumstances
Knutson Family Grant Recipient
Gabriella Nathaniel
Auguste Family Grant
Unusual Circumstance
Auguste Family Grant Recipient
Star Emmanuel
Jane Wilton and Family Grant
Unusual Circumstances
Jane Wilton and Family Grant Recipient
Joyceline Neptune
Aiyenero Family Grant
Student Athlete
Aiyenero Family Grant Recipient
Mikaya Blanchard
Malik and Michael Grant
Student Athlete
Malik and Michael Grant Recipient
Kyla Lionel